电影网>明星资料馆>Michael Rhoades



The Devil's Filmmaker: Bohica

剧情: Sam Epstein has been struggling to get his foot in the door, as a filmmaker and as a man, but his attempts inevitably fail. Sam believes that he alone is respon...


剧情: A space shuttle crew return to Earth, bringing alien "seeds" with them. These begin to grow into alien life-forms, needing hosts to complete their evolu...

Fallen Angel

剧情: When his father dies, Terry (Garry Sinese) returns to the house where he grew up, planning to stay only long enough to clean and settle the estate. Yet somethin...



剧情: 芬兰 2006-08-06  2006|匈牙利 2005-02-10  2005|意大利 2004-01-10  2004|美国 2002-08-25  2002


剧情:   尼尔(James Marsden)像大多数年轻人一样,对于未来有许多的疑问,该去念法律学院,以取悦父亲?还是该随自己心意,去做一个画家?他的女友莎莉,是他的灵魂伴侣吗?还是他该去追求那个常在他梦中出现,给他许多灵感的神秘女孩?不喜欢他爸爸给的生日礼物:一辆红色宝马跑车,他是不是真的有毛病?   在生日午宴,尼...


"A Nero Wolfe Mystery"

剧情: 挪威 2003-09-12  2003|美国 2001-04-22  2001Archie: Nero Wolfe gets what Nero Wolfe wants, or he throws a tantrum and I get fired. ...

Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows

剧情: The movie starts off at the beginning of Judy Garland\'s life singing when she was two years old. It jumps to when she was 12 and was signed by MGM and later wh...


剧情: 本片改编自琳达费尔史坦(Linda Fairstein)的畅销小说。 曼哈顿检察官雅莉丝在报纸上看到刊登自己死于横祸的消息;这会是场恶作剧吗?还是她真的成了杀手的下一个目标?雅莉丝决定亲自出马做深入调查,紧张的局势随着她进入危险与欺骗的世界而渐渐升高,她能在杀手找到她前先找出杀手是谁吗?英文剧情:中...

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