


Murder She Purred: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery

剧情: 瑞典 2005-04-02  2005|美国 1998-12-13  1998Boom Boom Craycroft: So, Harry, were you scared? Was there blood? Mary Minor \'Harry\' H...


剧情: 尼克·诺特饰演的男主角韦德是一个小镇上的司法长官。他性情暴戾,酗酒成性。狩猎季节开始后,一名外来商人猎鹿时意外枪支走火死亡。韦德感觉其中有诈,不顾上司的阻挠,决定查出事情真相。Wade Whitehouse è un poliziotto di campagna che vive una vita ...



剧情: 警司昆廷(莫里斯•迪恩•温特Maurice Dean Wint 饰)、监狱专家兼传感器专家伦尼斯(维尼•罗宾逊 Wayne Robson 饰)、医生霍洛韦(尼基•瓜达尼 Nicky Guadagni 饰)、建筑师沃思(戴维•休利特 David Hewlett)、数学系的大学生利文(尼科勒•德搏尔 Nicole ...


The Haunting of Lisa

剧情: A young and innocent girl named Lisa receives mysterious visions about the murder of a young child. When the visions become increasingly more intense, Lisa\'s p...


剧情: 罗丝与法兰共同生活了七个年头,罗丝劝法兰早日结束窃匪生涯,希望他在最一次盗取名画后金盘洗手。一次,罗丝邂逅了风度翩翩的男子伊云,罗丝便籍此要胁法兰,若他再死性不改便索性与伊云一走了之,就在二人纠缠于感情之际,他们所偷的名画突然被劫,最后他们更发现了一个重大秘密...Frank O\'Brien, a petty thi...

Captive Heart: The James Mink Story

剧情: James Mink is a black man in Canada who has built a very successful livery business, and enjoys a white wife and a beautiful daughter, Mary. An excellent match ...

Getting Away with Murder

剧情: When the very moralistic college ethics instructor (Aykroyd) finds himself living next door to an accused German death camp commander (Lemmon), he takes it upon...

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