电影网>明星资料馆>Joe Romersa



Jûichi-nin iru!

剧情: A group of students from the Cosmo Academy are about to take their final exam: surviving for over fifty days in a derelict ship. But when they arrive, they disc...


"Gate Keepers"

剧情: Miu Manazuru: Excuse me, but did you say something about a pickle? 24 [repeated line] fdf Shun Ukiya: Vacuum missile! [repeated line] Various c...

"The Big O"

剧情: Roger Smith acts as a negotiator in a city where everyone has lost their memories and keep it that way. When he isn\'t helping hostage situations, he\'s saving ...


剧情: 故事以1966年深陷越战泥潭的驻日美空军基地为背景展开。在横山基地附近相继发生了数起自杀事件。一个神秘组织通过调查发现这一系列事件都是由吸血鬼所为。于是,该组织将一个少女秘密送进了位于基地内的美国人学校。这个名叫“小夜”的少女手中的日本刀将肩负起杀尽吸血鬼的使命……Japan, 1966. Saya is part o...


"Kacho Oji"

剧情: Hard Rock Saves Space!! Life can crush your dreams. Oji is a middle-management drone whose only grip on sanity in the drudgery of his corporate lifestyle, are t...

"Rurouni Kenshin"

剧情: 美国 2000-07-18  2000Kenshin Himura: We once fought together for an ideal with our swords. It wasn\'t for power or for glory, but to create a peace...


Street Fighter Zero

剧情: Shadoloo\'s leader, Vega (Bison in the English version), sponsors an unpublicized fighting tournament. Shotokan devotees Ryu and Ken revive their rivalry, while...

"Dual! Paralle lunlun monogatari"

剧情: Kazuki Yotsuga is just an ordinary Japanese schoolboy and computer geek, but when he starts seeing visions of battling giant robots, his life starts to change f...

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