剧情: 29岁的建筑师 Markus(马克思·雷迈特 饰)具有恋童癖倾向,他尽力抑制自己隐秘的欲望。当单身母亲 Jessica 和她八岁的儿子 Arthur 搬进公寓隔壁时,让 Markus 倾心的诱惑变得越来越大——尤其是在他与新邻居结交朋友之后……
剧情: 故事的讲述者——一位乡村教师回忆起一战前夕,德国北部某村庄里的一系列离奇往事。医生骑马回家的时候被绳索绊倒受伤,人们马上展开调查的同时,牧师对两名晚归的孩子施以体罚,并为孩子们系上了象征纯洁的白丝带。第二天,一名佃农的妻子因事故身亡,乡村教师在河边发现男孩马丁在高处行走,马丁声称想知道上帝是否要惩罚他。教师与男...
剧情: 德国 2006-09-25 2006
剧情: Based on the childhood memories of actor Michael Degen, the movie deals with the everyday struggle to survive as a Jewish boy in Nazi Germany. As his father had...
剧情: General Heinz Büchner is in charge of a special unit of the German army. His son Christopher is a member of the unit. They get the mission to take out a ba...