电影网>明星资料馆>Michael Seater



On Thin Ice

剧情: Based on a true story. Patsy McCartle is a widow with two sons tring to gather all the money she has to pay for her car, bills, and her son\'s medication, all o...


"Strange Days at Blake Holsey High"

剧情: 意大利 2004-10-01  2004|挪威 2003-10-27  2003|美国 2002-10-03  2002Lucas Randall: So how do we know which one is Josie? ...

"I Was a Rat"

剧情: A little boy found wandering the streets is taken in by Bob and Joan, a kindly couple. The boy is cold, wet and desperate for shelter, but Bob and Joan are perp...


"The Zack Files"

剧情:   美国 2000-10-21  2000Zack Greenburg: Why do I always have to be the one with a conscience? Cam Dunleavey: You can leave this to a man of visi...

"Mattimeo: A Tale of Redwall"

剧情: Years after the siege of Redwall Abbey by Cluny the Scourge, Matthais and Cornflower have a hotheaded son named Mattimeo who dreams of succeeding his father as ...

Dirty Pictures

剧情: Fact-based story about the court proceedings that followed Cincinnati art museum director Dennis Barrie (James Woods) after his decision to display a controvers...



剧情: 剧情简介子女的无故失踪可能是父母最担心的事,这部NEB制作的电视电影就是写一位母亲面对这种大变故之后的身心反应。谢利.朗饰演一名典型的中产家庭主妇伊莉莎白,她跟十三岁的女儿凯西处得不太好,但当凯西突然从家中消失之后,她却顿感失落,用尽各种办法找寻女儿的下落,甚至寻求灵媒的帮助。在她眼里,从朋友到邻居统统变成了值得怀疑的...


Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Couples

剧情: 美国 1998-05-10  1998|冰岛 1998-09-10  1998|芬兰 1998-11-11  1998

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