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剧情:   10年之后,当年T-800战胜T-1000,救出人类未来领袖约翰·康纳,摧毁天网系统,阻止了世界末日到来。现在,失去母亲的约翰已经22岁,为了暗中监视天网动态,他隐姓埋名当起了\\"隐形人\\",只有他的女友凯特才知道他的真实身份。但最终天网还是查到了他的下落,并且立刻派出最新型的T-X\\&q...

"That's So Raven"

剧情: Raven Baxter is a teenager. She can see glimpses of the future. A lot of time her visions cause problems, because she doesnt see everything that will happen, on...


剧情: 拉瑞·吉利(本·阿弗莱克)是一名游手好闲的小无赖,一天却被黑社会老大派去执行一项颇为重要的使命,绑架当地检察官的弱智弟弟布赖恩,因为他能把自己送进大牢。不过对拉瑞的办事能力有一定了解的老板同时又派出了詹妮弗·洛佩兹扮演的美艳女郎瑞琪,监视拉瑞的一举一动。   自打瑞琪踏进拉瑞的小公寓那一刻起,拉瑞便被美丽不羁的...


"8 Simple Rules... for Dating My Teenage Daughter"

剧情: The Hennessy clan -- mother Cate (Katey Sagal), daughters Bridget (Kaley Cuoco) and Kerry (Amy Davidson), and son Rory (Martin Spanjers) -- look to one another ...


剧情: 安娜是第一代墨西哥裔美国人,正值青春期的她准备成为真女人。她住在东洛杉矶拉丁社区,甫从高中毕业,获得了哥伦比亚大学提供全额奖学金,然而思想传统的双亲认为她应该留在家里帮助家计,她也只好从善如流来到一家纺织厂工作,在那儿她和一群女人学到了团队合作的意义,并且明白想要在美国社会出人头地继续接受教育是必需的This is t...


"Web Girl"

剧情: 美国 2001-06-01  2001

The Newman Shower

剧情: It\'s the summer of 1990 at Camp Colman, and while most of his cabinmates are busy bragging about their sexual exploits, Zach Newman is keeping something secret...

"The Ellen Show"

剧情: Ellen Richmond decides to trade the stresses of her fast-track, big-city lifestyle for the slower pace of her quieter hometown, where she is known and loved. It...

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