电影网>明星资料馆>Louise Siversen



Josh Jarman

剧情: Marcus Graham plays Josh Jarman, a struggling playwright who has written a long, serious play about doomed love, failed relationships and the overall hurt and h...

"Wicked Science"

剧情: 澳大利亚 2004-07-02  2004|德国 2004-04-19  2004|加拿大 2004-02-27  2004



剧情: 芬兰 2004-12-17  2004|澳大利亚 2003-08-25  2003|英国 2002-12-08  2002


剧情: 澳大利亚 2002-07-23  2002

"Short Cuts"

剧情: 芬兰 2002-09-02  2002


Halifax f.p: A Hate Worse Than Death

剧情: Dr Jane Halifax: I still think he\'s a fraud. Harry Davenport: Oh, is that a professional opinion or is that the verdict of a rodent exterminator? Harry ...

"Eugenie Sandler P.I."

剧情: 澳大利亚 2000-10-30  2000Eugenie Sandler: I have a name for people who do that. 2e Warwick Bedford e7c : And I have a name for people who was...



剧情: Dexter Pinion: That\'s Right, Tree Huggers! Dexter Pinion: Dexter Pinion, keeping things communist free at my AB friggin C.

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