


Local Color

剧情: A successful artist looks back with loving memories on the summer of his defining year, 1974. A talented, but troubled eighteen year old art student befriends a...


剧情: 小男孩Zack发现两只西班牙长耳猎犬被关在林中的笼子里后把他们带回家。而小家伙Sissy和Buddy有神奇的治病能力,他们改变了小镇居民的生活。 美国 2006-01-21  2006


剧情: 耶鲁大学的学生阿历克斯,为人骄傲而自信,他的扑克牌玩的非常不错,一直梦想有一天能成为职业选手。但是以他目前的业余玩牌水平,显然还不够资格参加职业比赛。后来他遇见了扑克界的传奇人物汤米。汤米二十年前横扫牌桌无人能敌,但后来为了家庭而放弃了职业生涯。直到遇到阿历克斯,汤米又重新燃起了斗志,他希望阿历克斯能做自己的接...


Resurrection: The J.R. Richard Story

剧情: The story of famed Houston Astros Fastball Pitcher J.R. Richard, from his high school days in Louisiana, his first round draft pick in 1969, to the massive stro...

Kermit: A Frog's Life

剧情: 美国 2005-09-17  2005


剧情: Detective Sergeant Malcolm Ainslie, a Catholic priest turned distinguished investigator for the police, has agreed to hear the confession of a convicted serial ...

The Art of 'The Sting'

剧情: 美国 2005-09-06  2005

River's End

剧情: Filmed on location in Central, South and West Texas. Corbin plays a fictional Menard County sheriff who uses country savvy and cowboy logic to straighten out hi...

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