电影网>明星资料馆>Henry Strzalkowski




剧情: 故事由一个美国士兵克里斯泰勒(查理·辛 饰)给祖母写信的形式展开叙述。一九六七年,19岁的克里斯泰勒还是一个满脸稚气的大学生,他放弃了学业,和其他参战的美国士兵一起,乘坐C-130运输机飞抵西贡。     到越南后,他被编在一个步兵排里,在毗邻柬埔寨边境的热带丛林里执行任务。泰勒所在的步兵排里有各种...


剧情: Silk, the toughest cop in Honolulu, busts small time smugglers only to reveal a larger syndicate smuggling Asian mobsters into the States by buying the identiti...

Eye of the Eagle

剧情: \"The Lost Command,\" a bunch of notorious renegades, terrorize South Vietnam, forcing Sgt. Zack Skinner, HQ\'s best man to hunt down the Command to stop its ki...

Equalizer 2000

剧情: In a bleak, postnuclear future world, warring factions struggle to claim the Equalizer 2000, the one weapon powerful enough to guarantee survival. Written by ...


剧情: 1973年在越南,即使美国决定撤军日期,北越越军依然拒绝释放美军战俘,尼克森总统便下令不解救战俘计划。但吉姆库伯上校(大卫卡拉定饰),奉令在“巴黎停火协议\"生效前,前往越南拯救战俘,要求国防部回越南战地,为解救在越南的美军战俘,而与越共在河内产生激烈战争,他的任务不是从敌后偷偷潜入救出战俘,而是与敌人正面交战,不料却...

Future Hunters

剧情: 2025 A.D. A lone adventurer searches the post-nuclear wasteland for the most devastating, godless artifact in history. When he touches it, he is transported bac...

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