剧情: 保守的爱尔兰小镇,某天来了不速之客查德。他自称是东尼已故妹妹的亲生子,却是个黑人。不久,他与镇上女孩爆出恋情,遭到女方家人全力反对。查德除了努力向乡亲证明诚意,也逐渐发现当年母亲离开家乡的原因。Twenty years ago, Tony Egan\'s sister went to America. Nobody e...
剧情: A married drunk (Thewlis) hooks up with the ex-girlfriend of a viscious local criminal (Isaacs). He gets booted out of home for his infedelity, has a murderer o...
剧情: The fictional tale of the murderous 19th century barber (Ben Kinglsey) who sold his kills to a neighboring butcher (Joanna Lumley) for her renowned meat pies. A...
剧情: 一个平凡的小镇?一个不幸的家庭破碎的家庭带来竟是如此惨痛的代价!父亲的嗜酒如命,母亲的忧郁症,让原本天真活泼的小男孩─法兰西斯面对现实的残酷,母亲的自杀对他有甚么影响?小镇怎么会发生骇人听闻的凶杀案?The film tells the story of Francie who lives with his depre...
剧情: 英国 1996-02-11 1996
剧情: 海王星中某处正在秘密研究制作宇宙中最强、最冷血的生化战士以便征服地球,强是一位星际货柜车的驾驶在宇宙中跑单,某日认识伙伴麦克和辛蒂二人,在同时也得罪了货运站中最强最有势力的公司,急需离开太空货运站的强在地下货运站中接了一批急件送往地球的诡异货物,途中经过小行星陨石区遭受到了陨石强烈撞击,又遭到星际大盗的洗劫,但...
剧情: The daughter of a thief, young Moll is placed in the care of a nunnery after the execution of her mother. However, the actions of an abusive priest lead Moll to...