电影网>明星资料馆>Sheila Terry



Sky Racket

剧情: 美国 1937-10-01  1937

Hit the Saddle

剧情: 美国 1937-03-03  1937advertisement [after Stoney and Rita sing a duet] Tucson Smith: As I live and breathe, if it isn\'t one of them sin...


A Girl's Best Years

剧情: 美国 1936-12-25  1936advertisement Judy Nash: I suppose a gentleman\'s gentleman should know the various indiscretions of the gentleman to...

Special Investigator

剧情: 美国 1936-04-24  1936 (New York City, New York) (premiere)|美国 1936-05-08  1936

Murder on a Bridle Path

剧情: 美国 1936-04-10  1936 (New York City, New York) (premiere)|美国 1936-04-17  1936


A Scream in the Night

剧情: 美国 1943-07-29  1943 (re-release)


Rocky Rhodes

剧情: 美国 1934-09-24  1934

When Strangers Meet

剧情: 美国 1934-10-09  1934

'Neath the Arizona Skies

剧情: Chris Morrell, the guardian of half-Indian girl Nina, is helping her find her missing white father. so she can cash in on her late mother\'s oil lease. Outlaw S...


剧情: 当约巴是被通缉的强盗,他有一半白人血统,一半印第安人血统,讲流利的墨西哥语,他们一伙来到波尔卡城外,见山脚下有好马、水和房屋,还有漂亮的鲁比小姐和她的父亲达西斯,心中产生了邪念,他们要将这里的一切据为已有。达西斯为了鲁比的安全,将她送往镇上,当约巴一路追踪而至,约翰帮助父女俩逃离了他们的魔掌。并赢得了美丽鲁比的爱,他留...

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