剧情: 塞尔维亚 2003-10-30 2003
剧情: 南斯拉夫 1985-06-17 1985
剧情: Without any particular reason, the engineer stops the train in the middle of nowhere. The passengers decide to spend time in a local cafe and their arguments le...
剧情: 故事发生在1952年的南斯拉夫,一个六岁男孩因为父亲言论不当被关进大牢,家人告诉他爸爸出差了,全家必须经历种种艰难。男孩喜欢上一个女孩,但她偏偏得了绝症。后来父亲回来了,他自己又被选上在一个重要场合发言。不幸在关键时刻忘词,当众“出丑”,好在有父亲安慰他。Tito\'s break-up with Stalin...
剧情: Tragicomic story about Communist activist who wants to bring the benefits of Communism to the inhabitants of a Serbian village after WW2. Written by Dragan A...