电影网>明星资料馆>Jonathan Welsh




剧情: 圣诞老人在圣诞前夕驾鹿车出外派送礼物时遭遇意外,从半空掉落到电视新闻主播彼得面前,经此一撞,圣诞老人得了失忆症,不知道自己的身份。彼得觉得这个失忆老人是一个很好的新闻报导体材,他的女友卡莱儿则相中老人在她工作的百货公司扮演圣诞老人,只有卡莱儿的七岁儿子怀疑这个身穿圣诞老人服装的老头是真的圣诞老公公。 



剧情: This film tells the story of David Milgaard, who was charged and convicted for a brutal rape & murder he did not commit. Sentenced to life imprisonment, he ...

Total Recall 2070

剧情: In the year 2070, police detective David Hume and his partner Ian Farve attempt to track down a group of murderous androids with ties to a corrupt corporation, ...

If You Believe

剧情: Bah! Humbug! Susan Stone is definitely what you\'d call a modern-day scrooge. She is a young, jaded book editor who is consumed with self-doubt and has lost the...


A Father for Brittany

剧情: Keith and Kim Lussier are a childless couple who are given custody of a 3-month-old foster child, Brittany. However, tragedy strikes when Kim dies of cancer in ...


Spenser: The Judas Goat

剧情: Spenser is hired out by Hugh Dixon to track down the killers of his wife and daughters. He and Hawk are drawn into a huge plot involving assassination attempts ...

Janek: The Silent Betrayal

剧情: 美国 1994-12-20  1994|意大利 2001-04-08  2001


The Diamond Fleece

剧情: Jeweller Phillippe Golden purchases one of the largest diamonds ever from an auction. Diamond thief Rick Dunne is released from prison to consult in constructin...


Thick as Thieves

剧情: Tough City - where grifters, dips and shysters scramble for a dirty dollar and a clean shirt - where one man stands head and shoulders beneath the rest - Al Hac...


Hitler's Daughter

剧情: Hitler\'s Daughter wants to occupy the White House. She might just do it, unless the ineffectual Nazi hunters and their latest recruit can figure out who the he...

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