剧情: High School students Salvadore and Carmine Dementia, while working on a science project, inadvertently create an inexpensive computer operating system and Inter...
剧情: Two teams of two contestants, each of whom had been isolated in separate study chambers and kept awake for 24 hours, compete in this general knowledge quiz. Dur...
剧情: 版本一: 警校毕业生马港尼等人毕业后分配到的新任务是到城市里打击犯罪,那儿的流氓神出鬼没,胡作非为,令当地的警局十分头大,于是最后决定由马港尼扮演不良少年,混进歹徒巢穴取得消息,最后一举成擒。 版本二: 上次这班杂牌军刚刚毕业,便遇到真正的骚乱,结果出师就一团糟。这回,他们又有了新的任务,到一个盗...
剧情: 美国 1973-01-07 1973
剧情: Tom Sawyer and his pal Huckleberry Finn have great adventures on the Mississippi River, pretending to be pirates, attending their own funeral, and witnessing a ...