


The Wild Thornberrys: The Origin of Donnie

剧情: The Thornberrys are preparing for Donnie\'s "birthday" party in Borneo (They don\'t know his real birthday, but celebrate the day they found him) when o...


"Intimate Portrait" Rue McClanahan

剧情: A one-hour look at the career, and personal life of Emmy award-winning actress Rue McClanahan, from when she was a baby, to present day. Explores her start in s...

Tom Sawyer

剧情: An animated, musical version of Mark Twain\'s classic novel about the adventures of Tom Sawyer, along with his friends Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher. While spend...

Whispers: An Elephant's Tale

剧情: A nameless baby elephant-steer was just getting used to life in the herd, when poachers kill his mother, so he runs and gets lost. He\'s found by a grouchy fema...



剧情: 一个持续了15年的婚姻关系还能够继续维持下去吗?布鲁斯.威利斯和米切尔.法伊弗所饰演的这对夫妻正处在一个分裂的边缘,他们又该如何呢?    我们的故事是一个长长的故事,包含了婚姻关系的方方面面,好的,坏的,丑恶的......Two jilted lovers spend fifteen years of ma...

"Ladies Man"

剧情: As a high-end custom furniture maker, Jimmy is trying to raise Wendy, his smart, yet manipulative, 10-year-old daughter he has with Donna, and his darkness-obse...


剧情: 剧情简介当它看上你时,你以为屏息不动,或暂时停止呼吸,就没事了吗?……一个美丽的古生物学家听到缅因州的一个古湖,发生了一起神秘死亡事件――死者死的奇惨无比,而且死者身上留有奇大无比的动物齿印。所以她特地从纽约赶到这个古湖,来调查这起神秘死亡事件。当她到达这个古湖调查时,又陆续发生几起神秘死亡事件。


"Hollywood Squares"

剧情: 美国 1998-09-14  1998advertisement Tom Bergeron: Recently on Live with Regis and Kelly, Kelly Ripa started a club called \"Rip-heads\". Wh...


剧情: 剧情简介喜剧明星艾迪墨菲在替[花木兰]的木须龙配音后,推出了亲自主演的幽默喜剧[摇钱树],再度施展其独特的喜剧功力片中艾迪墨菲扮演一名天生具有领袖魅力的教徒G先生,平日云游四海乐善好施。有一天,艾迪墨菲在高速公路巧遇汽车抛锚的购物频道主管杰夫高布伦,并热心地要帮助修车,不料车子不听使唤,差点撞上艾迪墨菲,艾迪墨菲也因此...

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