电影网>明星资料馆>Shirley Whitney



Riding with Buffalo Bill

剧情: 美国 1954-11-11  1954

The Iron Glove

剧情: 美国 1954-09-20  1954|瑞典 1954-11-30  1954|西德 1954-12-17  1954|芬兰 1954-12-26  1954


剧情: 埃斯特·布洛杰特是好莱坞一个很有发展前途的演员,她在正走下坡路的大明星诺曼·梅因举办的一次慈善募捐演出中崭露头角,很快就爱上了这个年长且深于世故的人。而诺曼也为她的天真活泼所深深吸引。诺曼为埃斯特创造了几次演出的机会使她一举成名,他们两人遂结成佳偶。埃斯特由于天赋极高,事业上的声望与日俱增,但这使得每况愈下的诺...


剧情: Three San Quentin escapees (Penny, Hastings and Morgan) kill a cop in a gas-station holdup. Wounded, Morgan flees through black-shadowed streets to the handiest...

The Bounty Hunter

剧情: A year after a violent train robbery the Pinkerton detective agency hires a bounty hunter to find the three remaining killers. He tracks them to Twin Forks but ...


The Half-Breed

剧情: 美国 1952-05-04  1952|芬兰 1952-09-12  1952|瑞典 1952-10-06  1952|西德 1953-03-27  1953


The Petty Girl

剧情: 美国 1950-08-17  1950|瑞典 1951-06-07  1951|丹麦 1951-08-03  1951|芬兰 1951-12-18  1951|西德 1952-07-08&n...

The Fuller Brush Girl

剧情: Scatterbrained Sally Elliott gets a job as a Fuller brush girl and, as expected, her attempts at selling cosmetics door-to-door are disastrous. Things get worse...

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