电影网>明星资料馆>Henry Wilcoxon



Pony Express Rider

剧情: 美国 1987-01-30  1987|芬兰 2005-11-27  2005


Sweet 16

剧情: A beautiful lonely girl named Melissa tries to make new friends from a town she\'s currently living in. The only problem is, each of the boys that she spends ti...


The Man with Bogart's Face

剧情: A man with a fixation on Humphrey Bogart gets plastic surgery to make him look exactly like Bogart. Then he changes his name to Sam Marlowe (after Sam Spade and...


剧情: 版本一: 高尔夫球场的执波仔卡尔要对球会的不合理制度反击,与球会主席兼大法官史密利斯、花花公子泰.韦伯大斗法,同时亦向法官的侄女展开追求。 版本二: 一位富翁想要收购一个高尔夫球场作更大的商业发展。但俱乐部主席并不喜欢这个计划,千方百计予以阻挠。高尔夫球场的球童丹尼·诺能(Mi...


The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan

剧情: This movie is about a woman who is trying to rebuild her shattered marriage. She and her husband move to an old Victorian style home, where she finds a beautifu...


When Every Day Was the Fourth of July

剧情: 美国 1978-03-12  1978


剧情: 诚实努力的员工强为了美国大梦而努力,却被处处刁难且受到不人道的待遇,因此他想联合所有工人,以便发挥他影响力,为了理想,他不断牺牲,但最后却发生为了胜利,他必须不断牺牲荣誉,甚至牺牲他的生命……Johnny Kovak joins the Teamsters trade-union in a local chapter ...



剧情: In 1924 Estie comes to Hollywood to become an actress, but the dog, that followed her becomes the star. But Hollywood has its own rules of sucess. 西德 1978...


Against a Crooked Sky

剧情: The eldest daughter of a pioneer family is kidnapped by a mysterious Indian tribe and the eldest son pursues. In order to win back his sister\'s freedom, he mus...

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