



剧情: When the owner of Funland dies, a sleazy mob family buys his share of the park and proceeds to change the attractions to something more to their liking. As a re...


剧情: 杰克与克里斯廷是一对年轻夫妇,他们俩一见钟情后便闪电结婚了。婚后两人对婚姻的现实层面根本无法适应,而克里斯廷竟在此时怀孕了!在完全没有心理准备的情况下,杰克不禁自问:这一切到底是怎么回事?他开始对工作厌倦,并对公司中一名美艳的女子产生遐想,直到克里斯廷生产时,陪伴在一旁的杰克这才了解到,身为丈夫与父亲的责任远比...


剧情: Pursuing a new job after the shattering suicide of her friend and employer, a nurse applies at Dr. Quilly\'s world renowned facility. The discovery that the \'r...


Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night

剧情: 西德 1987-08-07  1987|美国 1987-12-25  1987|法国 1990-08-22  1990|英国 1995-04-24  1995

Dead Aim

剧情: Ed Marinaro is Malcolm \"Mace\" Douglas, a street-tough detective who\'s out for justice-no matter what the cost. While investigating the mysterious suicidal he...

Dennis the Menace

剧情: This movie puts Henk Ketcham\'s comic figure \'Dennis\' into real life: While digging in his front garden, Dennis finds a big bone. To prove it\'s from a dinosa...

"Square One TV"

剧情: 美国 1987-01-26  1987advertisement Luisa: [opening her window] What is the oldest piece of furniture in the world? Arthur: [opening his...


剧情: 两小时半的返家旅程竟然耗了四天三夜,此事说来荒唐,但这部从塞车延伸出来的旅程喜剧却颇能引人共鸣。史蒂夫.马丁扮演在纽约上班的广告公司经理,他急着开车赶回芝加哥和妻女共度感恩节假期,不料老天作对无法成行,于是他再试火车和大巴等交通工具,但也头头碰着黑。期间还遇上了热心过度的推销员(约翰·坎迪 饰)硬要跟他结伴同行...



剧情: 美国 1986-09-27  1986|英国 1988-01-30  1988advertisement Thelma Frye: [crying] I never want my children to feel so much love!...

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