电影网>明星资料馆>Dean Wray



Goldrush: A Real Life Alaskan Adventure

剧情: 加拿大 1999-12-22  1999|意大利 1999-11-10  1999|德国 1998-07-02  1998|美国 1998-03-08  1998

Circle of Deceit

剧情: 美国 1998-01-29  1998|瑞典 1999-10-06  1999|英国 2001-03-23  2001

Don't Look Down

剧情: Carla\'s sister accidetally falls off a cliff when the railing becomes loose while Carla\'s boyfriend takes photos. She has a hard time getting over her death a...



剧情: After spending seven years behind bars, Johnny Crown is back on the street, with lots of cash, a psychotherapy degree and a burning desire to find and punish ga...

Dead Man's Gun

剧情: It is only a gun - not a common gun but its mystery is not the unusual manufacture but the fact that it is a dead man\'s gun. Three stories follow the fate of s...

"The Sentinel"

剧情: 德国 1997-01-21  1997 (French speaking region)|葡萄牙 1997-05-10  1997|芬兰 1997-06-01  1997|荷兰 1997-09-03  ...


剧情: 扎琳达为自己逝去的儿子约翰的无辜被杀与凶手帕克的假释在听证会上斗争了9 年。帕克被监狱评为模范犯人,听证会准备同意他的假释,但是扎琳达不能容忍杀害儿子的凶手逍遥。为了唤起委员们的同情,使儿子永远活在大家的心中,她制作了儿子的像册,给每位到场者,让他们为了死者家庭的不幸考虑。    &nbs...


剧情: 艾米莉·霍普(艾丽西亚·西尔沃斯通 饰)是一个寂寞的富家女孩,为了让忙碌的老爸多看她一眼,她愿意用尽任何手段。一日,当她使出浑身解数,却仍引不起爸爸的注意时,艾蜜莉决定自导自演一出绑架案:她先用变声器打了一通勒索电话,写下赎金的纸条,然后把自己用胶带捆绑后,跳进老爸BMW的车箱中。没想到,计谋还没成功,这辆车就...


The Halfback of Notre Dame

剧情: The Notre Dame High School football coach, Les Modeau (Scott Hylands) has his son Crazy (Gabriel Hogan) on the team because he is a big over grown kid who is jo...

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