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Columbo: A Bird in the Hand ...

剧情: Harold likes to gamble, but as a rule he loses and he is heavily in debt. His uncle is the famous Big Fred who is the owner of a football team and he is a milli...



剧情: 泰山从丛林返家后,发现猩猩养母被杀,小猩猩奇塔被猎人绑架,位报血仇及寻回奇塔,泰山循线索追至纽约,巧遇珍父女热心相助,查出富商捕捉大量猩猩已进行换脑实验,三人联手想就无辜动物,不料富商也频出毒招,置三人陷入险境……Tarzan goes to New York to rescue the chimp Cheet...



剧情: After a technicality results in the release of a man being tried for the rape and murder of a young woman, her father (Robert Preston) murders the man. Admittin...

Who Is Julia?

剧情: Two young womens lives are changed forever in one moment. A strikingly beautiful and wealthy woman is hit by a truck and is all smashed up and nearly killed. At...

Last Resort

剧情: George Lollar takes his family on vacation with \"Club Sand\", a shoddy and untrustworthy company. On their tropical island, they find soldiers everywhere, an u...


Gidget's Summer Reunion

剧情: Former beach bunny/girl surfer Gidget is fully grown up and married to her long-term beau Moondoggie, and deals with a variety of marital spats, as well as runn...


剧情: 马盖先是个足智多谋的人,大学毕业后来到加州发展。由于他擅长用普通生活用品作为工具,来帮助自己和拍档摆脱困境,敌人会发现他是一个难以应付的人。 因为孩提时代擦枪走火的意外,马盖先出任务时从不带枪、不使用暴力,以科学知识为工具,利用手边小东西,化危机为转机,在世界各地除暴安良。就地取材,制造足以破坏敌人基地,爆炸物是他的绝...


Sam's Son

剧情: Michael Landon\'s semi-autobiographical sketch of his earlier life. It\'s the story of Gene Orowitz, a high school student struggling with his identity, who fin...


I Take These Men

剧情: Moments before being surprised at an anniversary garden party thrown by her husband and their family and friends, Carol Sherwood (Susan Saint James) shocks him ...

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