电影网>明星资料馆>Joe Yule



The Trial of Mary Dugan

剧情: 美国 1941-02-14  1941|瑞典 1943-03-15  1943

Maisie Was a Lady

剧情: 美国 1941-01-10  1941|瑞典 1943-01-11  1943advertisement Maisie Ravier, an alias of Mary Anastasia O'Connor: To each to ...

Married Bachelor

剧情: 美国 1941-10-16  1941 (New York City, New York)

Shadow of the Thin Man

剧情: Nick and Nora Charles are looking forward to a day of leisure, but when they make a trip to the race track, they learn that a jockey, who was recently accused o...


剧情: Tommy Williams desperately wants to get to Broadway, but as he is only singing in a spaghetti house for tips he is a long way off. He meets Penny Morris, hersel...


Gallant Sons

剧情: 美国 1940-11-15  1940

40 Little Mothers

剧情: 美国 1940-04-18  1940 (New York City, New York)|美国 1940-04-26  1940|瑞典 1943-02-01  1943

Keeping Company

剧情: 美国 1940-12-27  1940


剧情:    乔和斯科拉是对要好的朋友,他们爱说俏皮话,互相打闹,他们有远大抱负。某天他们整理行装出发,寻找属于他们的油田。直到遇到伊丽莎白,乔无法自拔的爱上了她,乔和斯科拉的友谊才开始备受考验,原来伊丽莎白和斯科拉是多年的男女朋友关系。多年以后,当乔爱上斯科拉曾经的好朋友凯伦并要挟她结婚时,斯科拉再次拔刀相助。乔和斯科拉的关...

Phantom Raiders

剧情: 美国 1940-06-07  1940|瑞典 1941-09-08  1941

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