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"Fries with That"

剧情: Fries with That is a sitcom about the hilarious antics of a group of teens who run havoc running a fast food joint. Pattie, Robyn, Tess and Alex are way too con...


剧情: "15/Love" is a comedy-drama about coming-of-age in a unique, high-pressure environment. The series follows a group of young hopefuls at the internationa...


剧情: A Christmas story. Charlie Gigot is a mute super at a dingy New York apartment building; he always wears a wool cap. One winter, a woman leaves her daughter Lou...


Hatley High

剧情: Tommy Linklater is an eighteen-year old magician. The magic he performs is often minor - re-directing croquet balls, making cards appear in closed purses - it i...


剧情:   影片开始于一场车祸,一对男女在车祸中丧生,雅典娜大学的前任教授科曼·希尔克和他的情人佛妮娅……   希尔克曾拥有平静而幸福的人生。他是一位优秀的教授,长年的辛勤工作使他得到了同事的尊敬,学生的爱戴。家庭亦无可挑剔,深深相爱的妻子也是老师,他们育有三个孩子,事业都很成功,其中两个像他们一样拿起了教鞭。生活对于...


Edgar and Jane

剧情: 加拿大 2002-12-07  2002


A Diva's Christmas Carol

剧情: Ebony Scrooge (Vanessa L. Williams) is a one of the world\'s most successful pop singers. Yet her cold hearted soul and nasty attitude makes her lack a lot of h...

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