


Hacivat Karagöz neden öldürüldü?

剧情: This is a story of two legendary men, Karagoz and Hacivat, who lived and died by their sense of humor. Bursa, 1330. A an ancient, crowded Roman city at the bord...


剧情: 电脑专才霍普·卡斯蒂受雇于土耳其某国际企业独自前往伊斯坦布尔替一融资财团修复网络防火墙。到了伊斯坦布尔后,霍普发现她的世界一切都变得诡异,她正在一步步失去了她的帐号、护照、身份,甚至她自己的名字。死里逃生的她决定利用自己的专长对陷害她的幕后黑手进行反击。越接近事实真相的她越感到惊惧,让她背负偷取一千四百万美金和...


Neredesin Firuze

剧情: Having failed incredibly many times in attempts to find a big talent and to be rich, the two producers (played by Haluk Bilginer and Cem Ozer) and their only tw...


Kolay para kazanma klavuzu

剧情: 土耳其 2002-12-06  2002

"Asli ile Kerem"

剧情: Aslý and Kerem, two young people from different parts of the society, get married one week after they meet. The differences in this young couple\'s lives t...

Mumya firarda

剧情: 瑞士 2004-05-06  2004|科威特 2004-03-02  2004|澳大利亚 2003-07-24  2003|土耳其 2002-09-27  2002

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