电影网>明星资料馆>David Maldonado




剧情: When a mysterious drifter reluctantly takes a job with a roadside haunted house, he quickly discovers that the attractions locked up in the basement are far mor...


I Flunked Sunday School

剧情: Lloyd Boyd has been called of God - in the shower - to become a Personal Preacher. No other information was available. Lloyd puts his business card at grocery s...


Holly's Story

剧情: A popular teenage girl, Holly, struggles with unexpected feelings of depression, remorse and alienation from her friends after getting an abortion as a result o...

Brooklyn Bound

剧情: 美国 2004-05-03  2004Danny: Jesus Christ Rob, all I\'m doing here is trying to help you out. you, you know the only problem is I\'m the only one tr...


Surface Calm

剧情: One morning Ellen Perry, a nervous housewife, finds an old chain that triggers a series of attacks against herself as she slowly loses her grip on reality. Her ...

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