电影网>明星资料馆>Melantha Blackthorne




剧情: 根据流传在阿尔卑斯山地区的民间传说,坎卜斯(德语:Krampus)是圣尼古拉的随从。在圣诞节期间,圣尼古拉会给乖小孩礼物及糖果,而坎卜斯会去处罚那些不乖的小孩。当坎卜斯发现某个特别不乖的小孩,他会把他抓起来,放进袋子里,带回洞穴,当成他的圣诞大餐。



剧情: 《庞贝末日》故事发生在古罗马时代,在摧毁庞贝城的维苏威火山爆发前夕,奴隶角斗士凯尔特(基特·哈灵顿饰)爱上了一位贵妇人。同时,一次意外,让他碰到了多年前屠杀他家人的仇人。庞贝城位于意大利坎帕尼亚平原的边缘,公元前8世纪建城,公元前5世纪起属于萨莫诺人。公元前4-3世纪,逐渐成为罗马共和国的一部分。据悉,维苏威火...



剧情: 故事主角科莱丽是个平凡的纽约少女,在酒吧外目睹了一桩神秘谋杀案。除她外的任何人既看不到尸体也看不到行凶者——三个服饰奇特的年轻人。她不知道看见本身就是不可思议——因为凡人本来看不到这些暗影猎人(Shadowhunter)。原来地球存在着一个神秘莫测的地下世界,暗影猎人负责清除为祸人间的地下生物(Downworl...


She-Demons of the Black Sun

剧情: When foreign student Isabelle met club owner Big Dan, she couldn\'t possibly know the man and his friends had some special plans for her. Using the love drug, t...

Order of One

剧情: After years of searching, the crime lord of the city, Mr. Park, is about to get his wish: Soon he will have the ultimate talisman: The Sword of Destiny. Forged ...

Prison of the Psychotic Damned: Terminal Remix

剧情: Five ghost hunters spend the night in "The Terminal" a long abandoned train terminal located deep in the heart of Buffalo's notorious East Side ghetto. ...


Purple Glow

剧情: Astronomers across the world are watching the sky as a meteor is reported on a collision course with our planet. When the rock gets to crash on Earth, some camp...


Sinners and Saints

剧情: Father Charmichael Drake is tormented by his clairvoyant dreams, which in turn drive him to fight crime and the forces of evil. The demon slaying priest and Sis...

The Night They Returned

剧情: Confined to a cell in a mental asylum, young Jessica has a tale to tell, if the doctors will listen. See, Jessica comes from a family a bit more dysfunctional t...

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