电影网>明星资料馆>G. Asrani



Malamaal Weekly

剧情: Laholi is a small village in India whose inhabitants are poor, simple-minded, and are used to their lives being controlled by the dictatorial Landlord, Thakurai...


剧情: 因个人、事业和家庭的问题,艾迪特离家出走,在火车上奇遇吉特,两人回到吉特的旁遮普邦家里,吉特欲离家出走寻找自己爱人安书曼结婚,吉特的独立的性格和思维方式吸引着艾迪特,在吉特带动下,艾迪特帮助吉特离家出走,两人在离家后各自寻找自己的人生,艾迪特受到吉特的行为的鼓舞,回到自己的家族企业,力挽狂澜,使公司顺利摆脱困境,并上了...

Bhagam Bhag

剧情: Paresh Rawal has a theatre group in India and he performs shows all over the country. Akshay and Govinda along with others are actors in the group. Both are ver...


Garam Masala

剧情: Makarand a.k.a. \'Mac\' (Akshay Kumar) and Shyam a.k.a. \'Sam\' are two flirtatious bachelors who live together and work together as photographers in an ad agen...


剧情: 新加坡 2007-03-22  2007|捷克 2005-12-03  2005|韩国 2005-10-07  2005

Kyon Ki

剧情: Widowed Colonel Khurana, a resident of India, goes to London, accumulates enough wealth, returns to India, opens a private Sanatorium for the insane, and hires ...

Deewane Huye Paagal

剧情: Natasha Mulchandani is an established singer and dancer in Dubai, U.A.E., and lives a comfortable lifestyle with her challenged brother, Gullu, aunt, Sweety, an...


剧情: 年轻有为的沙卡兰15年前只是沙氏集团的一名杂工,专门给在密室开会的集团老总斟茶到水,久而久之,沙卡兰得到了沙总的厚爱,并成为了后者的养子。15年过去了,沙卡兰将沙氏集团打理得头头是道,生意蒸蒸日上,然而就在沙卡兰平步青云的时候,远在异国他乡的社会渣滓巴巴斯坎的敲诈沙总2亿印度卢布,在沙卡兰的建议下,沙总没有答应巴巴的无...


剧情: Amjad is a auto-rickshaw driver in Bombay, and lives with his mother in a small tenement in Bombay\'s slums. His mother had originally given birth to another so...

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