


"Oliver Beene"

剧情: 斯洛文尼亚 2004-10-17  2004|英国 2004-07-11  2004|日本 2004-03-03  2004|冰岛 2003-10-15  2003|美国 2003-03-0...

"That's So Raven"

剧情: Raven Baxter is a teenager. She can see glimpses of the future. A lot of time her visions cause problems, because she doesnt see everything that will happen, on...



剧情: 影片改编自布莱特·伊斯顿·埃利斯的同名小说,故事发生在80年代新英格兰州的一所富裕的文科大学(康顿大学)中。在三个年轻人之间出现了一种三角性关系,他们是兼职买卖毒品的肖恩·贝特曼(詹姆士·范德比克饰),双性恋的保罗·欧文(伊恩·索莫赫德饰)还有保罗的前女友劳伦(夏妮·索塞蒙饰)。   肖恩·贝特曼是个不折...


剧情: 在上一集中被王牌大间谍奥斯汀(迈克·梅尔斯饰)投入大牢的伊夫博士和他的部下小人米这次又从监狱里逃了出来。他们伙同一位神秘的金盟友,酝酿一个跨越时间的彗星撞地球式的毁灭人类的计划。还绑架了奥斯汀的父亲奈吉。    奥斯汀与他的旧日密友克莱奥佩塔一起行动,回到1975年,与邪恶势力又一次展开了紧张刺激、...

"Kim Possible"

剧情: Kim possible-not just an ordinary girl. She is a cheerleader and she saves the the world, even on school nights. With her sidekick, best friend and now new boyf...


Area 52

剧情: 美国 2001-10-20  2001

"All About Us"

剧情: The teenage "dramady" follows the fast friendship of four high school girls in Chicago with varied personalities and from different backgrounds. Alecia ...


剧情: A story of a blue octopus and his dog that looks like a hotdog, named Weenie, and their friends like Daisy the daisy, and Henry the penguin. They go on adventur...

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