



剧情: 风靡万千哈佛女生的哈佛蓝球队长艾伦搭上了性感黑帮大佬的女儿辛迪,辛迪利用美色引诱艾伦参与连环骗局。 他们视赌场如提款机,成功诈取一大笔金钱。当艾伦春风得意之时,又瞒着辛迪搭上美丽动人女教师。 骗局开始被揭发,艾伦不但要避过国际刑警的追捕,又要想尽办法对付黑帮父女……College has alway...


剧情: 影片改编自布莱特·伊斯顿·埃利斯的同名小说,故事发生在80年代新英格兰州的一所富裕的文科大学(康顿大学)中。在三个年轻人之间出现了一种三角性关系,他们是兼职买卖毒品的肖恩·贝特曼(詹姆士·范德比克饰),双性恋的保罗·欧文(伊恩·索莫赫德饰)还有保罗的前女友劳伦(夏妮·索塞蒙饰)。   肖恩·贝特曼是个不折...


My Horrible Year!

剧情: In Ohio, a few days before her sixteenth birthday, Nick Faulkner (Allison Mack) listens partially a conversation between her parents, and misunderstands believi...

Hollywood Palms

剧情: Clark: Just for once could the skunk NOT talk?! Lewis: I\'d hate to think Eric Stoltz was mad at me. Lewis: How did you know it was me? Could you tell I...

Things Behind the Sun

剧情: In Cocoa Beach FL, a woman shows up drunk on the same lawn on the same date three years running. What\'s going on? She\'s Sherry McGrale, a singer building a re...



剧情: 美国 2000-02-14  2000

The Last Dance

剧情: 法国 2006-01-26  2006|英国 2004-04-09  2004|美国 2000-10-29  2000

It's a Shame About Ray

剧情: After croaking in his backyard, Ray is ushered into the offices of the afterlife where it is discovered that pertinent information to gain entrance into heaven ...


剧情: This movie contains three short stories dealing with the theme of homosexuality. In "A Friend of Dorothy" written by Paula Vogel, a woman (Brittany Murp...

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