


Water Damage

剧情: 德国 2000-10-30  2000|加拿大 2000-06-06  2000|冰岛 2000-03-07  2000|阿根廷 1999-07-30  1999

"Foolish Heart"

剧情: 加拿大 1999-03-03  1999

Spenser: Small Vices

剧情: Rita Fiore hires Spenser to determine if two-time loser Ellis Alves really did kill a college coed. Soon everybody wants him off the case--from the investigatin...

Dead Aviators

剧情: A young girl (Juliana Wimbles), who struggles with her pilot father\'s death in a plane crash years before, visits her grandmother (marsha Mason) in Newfoundlan...



剧情: An idealistic banker (Lothaire Bluteau) in the small town of Conquest, Saskatchewan (pop. 124) tries to make the small town work even though much of its youth h...

Aldrich Ames: Traitor Within

剧情: Fact-based story about a 90\'s espionage case that was chronicled as the worst case of espionage in US history. Aldrich Ames (Timothy Hutton) was a middle class...


剧情: 尼克·诺特饰演的男主角韦德是一个小镇上的司法长官。他性情暴戾,酗酒成性。狩猎季节开始后,一名外来商人猎鹿时意外枪支走火死亡。韦德感觉其中有诈,不顾上司的阻挠,决定查出事情真相。Wade Whitehouse è un poliziotto di campagna che vive una vita ...


剧情: 娱乐效果不俗的电视电影,对于未来世界的复制人、生化科技、野心家控制人类社会等并不算新鲜的议题,利用一个有趣的故事加以整合,对于喜欢科幻片的观众而言具有相当强的吸引力。故事背景是2013年的地球,由于一个生化科技集团不计后果地进行危害环境的实验,地球已变得不宜人居。科学家强尼.达顿在完成人类无性生殖实验后遭突击而昏迷了十...


剧情: 美国 1998-09-04  1998|英国 1999-09-06  1999advertisement Marco: So now what? Save the world? [looks around] Marco: Can w...


Major Crime

剧情: Major Crime focuses on the police efforts to apprehend a sex offender. Detective Gordon Tallas\'s relentless pursuit of a dangerous sociopath seems doomed at ev...

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