
  • Steve Walker: You took that money, didn't you? Blackbeard: (Thinking a moment.) Money... money... OH, the odd flimsy I removed from the pocketbook of your book-ish wench. Blackbeard: Beware all wenches. Mrs. Stocroft: As the flames crept higher and higher, she screeched her dying words: EDWARD TEACH, sometimes known as Captain Blackbeard, when you come to die, may your body and soul be racked between this world and the next, always to be alone! May the curse hold fast and true, may you be held forevermore in limbo, until such time as there be found in you, most wicked of all villains, some spark of human goodness. Well, good night Mr. Walker, sleep well. The dining room will be open at 7:30 AM. Please be prompt. Captain Blackbeard: What manner of craft be this we're cruisin' in? Steve Walker: It's an automobile. Captain Blackbeard: Eh? Steve Walker: An automobile! Captain Blackbeard: Oh, is it? Yes. An "automotonus". Steve Walker: It's that rotten pirate, he did it! Steve Walker: [referring to Blackbeard] You know something, I think I'm really gonna miss the old scoundrel. Prof. Jo Anne Baker: You know something? I loved you even when I thought you were nuts. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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