



剧情: It\'s the start of the 20th century, and Tuccio, resident playwright of a theatre repertory company offers the owners of the company his new play, \"Illuminata\...

Sugar Town

剧情: Unimpassioned look at the lives of struggling L.A. scene rock stars follows main character, Gwen (Jade Gordon), on her quest for the top. Working as an assistan...


剧情: 剧情简介本片是改编黑帮老大梅耶兰斯基生平的传记电影,是HBO自制电影,由金奖影帝理察德瑞福斯(RichardDreyfuss)主演,《疯狗马子》导演约翰麦诺顿(JohnMcNaughton)执导。  一位出身犹太贫民区的年轻人,他凭著自身过人的天资,夥同好友席格和路奇安诺自纽约东区开始一起打天下,终于成为有史以来势力最...

Get Bruce

剧情: 美国 1999-01-24  1999Whoopi Goldberg: b1 Part of the way that people view me is because of how Bruce has written for me. And I\'m very grateful for that....

法律与秩序 特殊受害人

剧情: This show delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force, the Special Victims Unit, investigate and prosecute vario...


"Rude Awakening"

剧情: 美国 1998-08-01  1998 (French speaking region)|法国 1999-09-05  1999|瑞士 2000-11-12  2000|芬兰 2001-01-09  ...

Story von Monty Spinnerratz, Die

剧情: Monty is a young cute rat in a rat world living beneath the streeets of Manhattan. When exterminator Dollart gets a new lethal spray to kill all the rodents, Mo...

Sam Kinison: Why Did We Laugh?

剧情: A few years after San Kinison died in their arms, his brother and his best friend join comedians to talk about his life and humor. In 1978, after a divorce, Kin...

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