


"That's Life"

剧情: Lydia DeLucca is a New Jersey bartender who wants more out of her life than just marriage and kids. So she breaks off her engagement, and heads to college. This...


剧情: 波兰 2005-06-26  2005|俄罗斯 2003-02-25  2003|法国 2003-01-04  2003|芬兰 2002-11-11  2002|匈牙利 2002-01-14...

"Strong Medicine"

剧情: Dr. Luisa Delgado ran the South Philly Women\'s Clinic so that poor women could get the medical help they needed. Dr. Dana Stowe did medical research on cancer ...

"Boston Public"

剧情: 德国 2005-02-08  2005|意大利 2005-02-01  2005|法国 2002-09-15  2002|挪威 2002-05-22  2002|以色列 2002-05-02...


剧情: 80年代红极一时的家庭喜剧影集「欢乐家庭」回来了!相信许多喜爱这个影集的观众一定还记得席维尔一家人,如今原班人马再次重现萤光幕,让大家看见他们的成长。 在结婚周年庆之前,玛姬竟被老板开除,老爸杰森努力安抚全家人,玛姬却在庆祝会上宣布要出马竞选,成为前任老板的竞选对手;没想到卡萝竟爱上敌方阵营的竞选经理,引发一...


At the Mercy of a Stranger

剧情: Elizabeth is married to Thomas, a prominent doctor. He has been abusing her. One day while out with a client, John Davis, he tells her that he was hired by her ...


剧情: 1967年,19岁的Susanna Kaysen由于近日产生幻觉向医生求助,更严重的是她还和父母一位好朋友的丈夫有染。最后Susanna被诊断为患有“边缘人格错乱”,建议其住院修养一段时间。在Claymoore精神病院,Susanna结识了一群新朋友:患有说谎癖的Georgina,对火深怀恐惧的Polly,不能...


"Any Day Now"

剧情: 美国 1998-08-18  1998 (French speaking region)|瑞典 1999-06-17  1999|比利时 2001-09-03  2001|法国 2001-10-05  ...

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