电影网>明星资料馆>Debbie Wiseman



"The Inspector Lynley Mysteries" In the Guise of Death

剧情: Lynley and Havers are both in Cornwall. Barbara is spending her compensation money learning Akido at a retreat while her boss is visiting his mother at their fa...

"The Inspector Lynley Mysteries" Word of God

剧情: Lynley and Havers are called to a meat market to inspect a deep frozen body. A forged passport and a page from a rare religious artifact lead the pair into the ...

"The Inspector Lynley Mysteries" The Seed of Cunning

剧情: 德国 2006-04-16  2006|瑞典 2006-01-02  2006|英国 2005-03-31  2005Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley: [to Havers] When we g...

"The Inspector Lynley Mysteries" In Divine Proportion

剧情: Inspector Lynley and Sergeant Havers are sent to a small village in East Anglia to investigate the murder of an interior designer who was shot inside the house ...


"Judge John Deed" Exacting Justice

剧情: 匈牙利 2004-09-09  2004|英国 2001-01-09  2001


剧情: 匈牙利 2004-09-07  2004|美国 2001-09-02  2001

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