电影网>明星资料馆>Jered Barclay



The Perfect Bride

剧情: This suspenseful film is about a Stephanie, beautiful young woman, and her quest to find the perfect husband. She meets Ted, who thinks the world of her. But no...

破胆三次 6

剧情: 芬兰 2004-11-22  2004R.B Harker: You\'re the worst kind of freak, one who tries to control it. R.B Harker: 38 Ladies and gentlemen, it\'s ti...


剧情: 通过写真采访欧洲妓女的纪录片。女人为什么沦为妓女?男人对妓女有什么需求?妓女的生存现状如何?如何在现实社会中进行肉体买卖?她们追求金钱,自甘堕落?还是另有不可告人的秘密?妓女何去何从?未来的命运将会怎样?本片深入揭露了妓女阶层的真相。This choppy melodrama investigates the life...


Tuff Turf

剧情: At the start of his senior year in high school, Morgan\'s father has lost his company, so the family moves from Connecticut, where they\'ve been in the yacht cl...

The Execution

剧情: The members of a San Diego Wednesday night womens\' mah jongg club are five survivors of a Nazi concentration camp. They recognize the owner of a local restaura...



剧情: 赫本和麦克莱恩两人为一所私立女校的正副校长,两人合作无闲,校内有一学生玛丽,自幼被富孀祖母溺爱,因而说谎成癖,因为被处罚愤而胡说看到正副校长接吻。其祖母不明是非,联合镇上家长指责两人有不正当关系,尤其怀疑麦克莱恩有同性恋倾向,因赫本已有未婚夫,两人控诉遭人毁谤,但麦克莱恩之姑母畏于人言,拒绝为其作证,终将麦克莱...


Gunmen from Laredo

剧情: 美国 1959-05-29  1959



剧情: The white folk of Jamaica are afraid that calypso music will replace "bop" (which in this film, is not a form of jazz, but describes rhythm & blues ...

War of the Satellites

剧情: 美国 1958-05-18  1958


Untamed Youth

剧情: Sisters Jane and Penny are arrested for hitchhiking on their way to Los Angeles when they stop for a quick skinny dip in a rural town. Local agricultural magnat...

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