电影网>明星资料馆>Chris Carver



Dancing at the Harvest Moon

剧情: 芬兰 2006-07-01  2006|英国 2005-12-27  2005|匈牙利 2005-10-03  2005|法国 2005-02-28  2005|意大利 2004-08-05...

"American Dreams"

剧情: Set to the soundtrack of the \'60s, a Philadelphia family moves toward the cultural upheaval in the years ahead. The Pryors\' teen daughter Meg tries to shed he...


Strange Hearts

剧情: 瑞典 2002-10-23  2002|挪威 2002-10-23  2002|英国 2002-05-13  2002Henry Fields: I\'m Henry Fields, from Texas. Moira Ke...

The Brotherhood II: Young Warlocks

剧情: John, a new student at an exclusive private school, is having trouble with a group of bullying jocks who are jealous of his friendship with beautiful classmate ...


剧情: 彼得·艾普顿(吉姆·凯瑞)是好莱坞的一位非常有才华的青年剧作家,可惜他生不逢时,赶上了美国着名的“麦卡锡事件”,许多无辜的电影人被迫害,彼得由于在大学时的无心之举也被政府列入黑名单,并因此失去了热爱工作和心爱的女友。    遭受双重打击的彼得跑到酒吧借酒消愁,决定离开这个城市,到一个新的地方重新开始生活。没想...

Surviving Gilligan's Island: The Incredibly True Story of the Longest Three Hour

剧情: The complete recapping adventure of the seven idiots trapped on a deserted island. No phones, no lights, no motor cars. Not a single luxury. Like Robinson Cruso...


剧情: 费迪一生的梦想就是自己的儿子高德能够出人头地,但高德不知是先天或后天的影响,他的好奇心以及天马行空的想象力并不亚于一个5岁的小孩,尽管他已经是个28岁的大小伙子,却总表现得像个不曾长大的孩子,这让费迪头痛不已。     费迪想尽办法将高德安排到奶酪厂工作,希望他会脚踏实地做点正常人做的东西,但高德只...

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