



剧情: 该片是狮子王的外传,讲述了狮子王辛巴不为人知的成长历程。当年辛巴的父亲木法沙被奸人迫害而死,小辛巴为了躲过一劫,逃离了动物王国。在逃亡过程中,辛巴遇上了一对搞笑活宝——丁满和彭彭。丁满和彭彭与辛巴成了好朋友,他们在丛林中开始了他们惬意的生活。辛巴在丛林中慢慢长大,最终长成了雄壮的雄狮,并邂逅了自己美丽的公主。由...

"Duel Masters"

剧情: 美国 2004-02-27  2004


"Clifford's Puppy Days"

剧情: 美国 2003-09-01  2003[repeated line] Puppy Clifford: I\'ve got a big idea!


剧情:   在未来的2113年的地球,Van除了是意大利薄饼速递员外,亦是爱好波子机的玩家。由于Van在女友Lydia前成为波子机大赢家,岂料此时地球受到Elysium袭击,Van从此失去女友及地球。Van由怒转化成恨,并挺身而出参与拯救地球之战,但讽刺的是,他在垂死之时由Elysium敌方女军人Nix所救。   一天,Va...


He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: The Beginning

剧情: Years ago, two leaders battled for Eternia, a fatastical land where compassion struggles against greed. Where one became the good King Randor, the other grew in...

"He-Man and the Masters of the Universe"

剧情: He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe (2002) premiered on Cartoon Network on August 16, 2002. Eternia is a land of myth, sorcery and advanced technology where ...


"I Love 1980's"

剧情: 英国 2001-01-13  2001

"House of Mouse"

剧情: 冰岛 2004-09-19  2004|英国 2001-05-08  2001|美国 2001-01-13  2001Mickey: Now, I wanna remind everyone of the House of Mou...

"Grim & Evil"

剧情: This series is a pairing of two separate cartoons. One is about the Grim Reaper, who after losing a bet, is forced to become the playmate of two children. One i...


Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer

剧情: As if young Jake Spankenheimer doesn\'t have enough problems on christmas eve, he has to help his mom and dad prevent mean-spirited cousin Mel from taking owner...

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