电影网>明星资料馆>Vance Colvig Jr.




剧情: 波斯法尼亚一位博士发明能让时光倒流的微晶片,人人都想分一杯羹,两位乌龙情报员鲍里斯和娜塔莎假冒投诚美国,寻找发明时光倒流微晶片的教授及晶片下落,寻找过程闹出许多笑话,天真的他们是否能化险为夷、傻人有傻福呢? Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale are still spie...


Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme

剧情: There\'s a crisis in Rhymeland! All the Rhymies (the characters from Nursery Rhymes) are disappearing! Gordon Goose, son of Mother Goose, and Little Bo Peep set...


All's Fair

剧情: 菲律宾 1990-10-30  1990


剧情: The wortless daydreaming slob George Newman can\'t keep a job for more than a few days at a time before he gets fired. Fortunately, his uncle wins a UHF televis...


Mortuary Academy

剧情: \"Police Academy\" clone, about some nerds who inherit an academy for morticians, which is run by a corrupt closet necropheliac. Of course, the most incompetent...

Pass the Ammo

剧情: A corrupt television preacher and his congregation are held hostage by a woman, her lover, and her two cousins in an attempt to avenge the theft of her inherita...


剧情: 皮威.赫曼是八十年代末在美国崛起的喜剧红星,其貌不扬但以笨蛋形象广受欢迎,本片是他主演的第二部电影。剧情描述皮威原在农场养猪,忽然来了一个马戏团在他家旁边表演,皮威爱上了表演空中飞人的珍娜,引起未婚妻温妮争风吃醋。为了向珍娜表示爱意,皮威还亲自参加马戏班的空中飞人表演,此举当然引起了连篇笑话了。导演兰德尔把这部浪漫喜剧...


剧情: A doctor\'s wife tires of his obsession with model trains, and spends her days wondering about the son she gave up for adoption at birth. While eating at a road...

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