电影网>明星资料馆>Roland Culver



The Uncanny

剧情: Wilbur Gray, a horror writer, has stumbled upon a terrible secret, that cats are supernatural creatures who really call the shots. In a desperate attempt to get...


A Pair of Briefs

剧情: 英国 1962-09-24  1962|瑞典 1962-11-09  1962|芬兰 1963-01-25  1963|西德 1964-02-01  1964|美国 1976-09-11&n...


Bequest to the Nation

剧情: 美国 1973-04-18  1973|瑞典 1973-10-29  1973|芬兰 1973-12-28  1973


剧情: Joseph Rearden takes the fall for a robbery and winds up in the Scrubs. From there he escapes in the company of a convicted spy and is taken to a remote manor a...


剧情: 四名艺高人胆大兼自称拥有超自然力量的人,为了十万英镑冒险闯进盛传冤魂不息的地狱之屋,誓要证实鬼神之说。四人态度各异,有人相信鬼魂的存在,有人更相信能与它们沟通,有人则是无神论者。姑无论如何,创进猛鬼屋就等于半只脚踏进地狱之门,血腥死亡,触目惊心,恐怖吓人,惨叫声不绝,鬼影幢幢……你有胆进入叫你心脏停顿的地狱之屋吗? &...


Fragment of Fear

剧情: 英国 1970-09-03  1970 (London)|芬兰 1970-12-11  1970advertisement Tim Brett: Either I am mad and all this isn\'t happening to...


The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer

剧情: Fresh-faced young Michael Rimmer worms his way into an opinion poll company and is soon running the place. He uses this as a springboard to get into politics an...

In Search of Gregory

剧情: 英国 1970-05-06  1970|美国 1970-05-09  1970

The Magic Christian

剧情: Sir Guy Grand adopts homeless bum Youngman to be heir to his obscene wealth, and immediately begins bringing him into the intricacies of the family business, wh...


A Man Could Get Killed

剧情: 美国 1966-03-25  1966|瑞典 1966-04-04  1966|芬兰 1966-05-13  1966|丹麦 1966-05-16  1966|英国 1966-05-23&n...

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