电影网>明星资料馆>Ned Davenport




剧情: In the fourteenth century a small band of warriors from the Spanish Ptolemy Firello expedition in California mutinies. Led by one of Firello\'s lieutenants, a h...



剧情: 美国 1954-04-21  1954|芬兰 1954-12-10  1954|丹麦 1955-07-11  1955

Rails Into Laramie

剧情: 美国 1954-10-18  1954|瑞典 1954-11-24  1954|西德 1960-07-23  1960



剧情: 很冷门的电影,是二十世纪五十年代最好的科幻片之一,纵观在五十年代所有的科幻B级片里和经典片里,这个电影可以说是传世之作。 这部电影由环球公司杰克·阿诺德 (Jack Arnold) 执导,它的海报制作相当具有吸引力,称其是完美的视觉盛宴,讲述了一个外来飞船紧急坠落入美国亚利桑那州沙漠后发生...

The Great Sioux Uprising

剧情: 美国 1953-07-17  1953|瑞典 1953-11-07  1953|芬兰 1954-04-02  1954|西德 1954-05-21  1954|奥地利 1954-07-26&...

The Lawless Breed

剧情: Released from jail, John Wesley Hardin leaves an account of his life with the local newspaper. It tells of his overly religious father, his resulting life of ca...


Montana Belle

剧情: 美国 1952-11-07  1952|瑞典 1953-02-02  1953|丹麦 1953-05-18  1953|芬兰 1953-05-22  1953|西德 1953-06-12&n...

At Sword's Point

剧情: France, 1648: Richelieu and Louis XIII are dead, the new king is a minor, and the Duc de Lavalle is in virtually open rebellion, scheming to seize power. As a l...


Storm Warning

剧情: Ginger Rogers, a traveling dress model, stops in a southern town to see her sister (Doris Day) who has married a Ku Klux Klansman (Steve Cochran). Rogers sees t...


The Miracle of the Bells

剧情: Granting her final request, a Hollywood press agent brings the dead body of an actress, who died after making her first and only film, back to her hometown for ...

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