电影网>明星资料馆>Lyndon Davies



Sharpe's Battle

剧情: 美国 2006-07-08  2006|英国 1995-04-19  1995Loup: No more of my men will die in this god forsaken place. Richard Sharpe: They will i...

Sharpe's Gold

剧情: 美国 2006-07-01  2006|英国 1995-04-12  1995Patrick Harper: I had an uncle who thought the Faeries were after him. Richard Sharpe: W...



剧情: 剧情简介本片改编自洛里李的经典小说「萝西与苹果酒」,由茱丽叶史提芬森领衔主演。  背景在1918年英国的格洛斯特夏乡镇上,这段故事将让您进入一个质朴温馨、美丽动人的世界中,并带领您和洛里李一同经历他的童年、他的青春,一直到觉醒的成年。然而,洛里李的故乡并不是永远只有温馨的夏夜和朴拙的生活,这段故事值得您亲身体验。  「...


Sharpe's Company

剧情: Spain 1812. After Ciudad Rodrigo, Teresa tells Sharpe that they have a baby daughter. In Badajoz, the next siege target. Meanwhile, a new commander has taken ov...

Sharpe's Honour

剧情: 1813. Major Sharpe\'s old enemy, Major Duclos manipulates a beautiful young marquesa into falsely accusing Sharpe of rape. Her husband calls Sharpe out in a due...

Sharpe's Enemy

剧情: Portugal 1813. A band of deserters, including Sharpe\'s old enemy, Obadiah Hakeswill, have captured two women, one the wife of a high-ranking English officer, a...



剧情: 安娜·施维尔的名着《黑骏马》由嘉露莲·汤逊再度拍成电影,汤逊是添·布顿的助导,这是她第一部电影。 影片由黑骏马的视点出发,途述他一生多次易主,经历愉快与不幸,逆境与顺境。 是公认的描写动物最成功的电影。在电影中,马以第一人称向我们倾诉了黑美人自己和他朋友们一生的遭遇,揭示了人性的善恶美丑,表达了作者渴望善待动物的美好愿...


Sharpe's Eagle

剧情: Sharpe is a Captain saddled with the South Essex, a battalion run by incompetents and filled with soldiers who have never been in battle. When the South Essex l...

Sharpe's Rifles

剧情: Portugal 1809, the Peninsular War in the age of Napoleon. A British sergeant in the 95th Rifles saves the life of Arthur Wellesley, and finds himself promoted t...


"The Singing Detective"

剧情: 英国 1986-11-16  1986|瑞典 1987-09-02  1987|德国 1991-03-18  1991advertisement Philip E. Marlow: You just don\'t...

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