电影网>明星资料馆>Preston Lockwood



The Last Englishman

剧情: 英国 1995-02-09  1995


Memento Mori

剧情: The story sets in UK during the 1940\'s. Lattie Colston (Stephanie Cole) is a bad tempered lady, who treats in a very rude fashion her maid and has a quite stri...


The Black Candle

剧情: Yorkshire in the 1880\'s: Joe Skinner marries Lily Whitmore, the woman he has long admired, to give a name to her illegitimate child by Lionel Fillmore, the opp...


Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader

剧情: Young Prince Caspian of Narnia wonders and dreams about the old days of Narnia when animals talked, and there were mythical creatures and four rulers in Caer Pa...


剧情: The young lady Panthea Vyne falls in love with the handsome highwayman who saves her from her brutal husband. He kills him in a fair duel. Later on when Charles...

"Great Expectations"

剧情: 美国 1989-07-24  1989|英国 1991-07-21  1991advertisement Pip: I am as unhappy as you can ever have meant me to be. Pip: O...


A Very British Coup

剧情: Socialists (like the fictional Harry Perkins) believe in promoting social change through the democratic system, whereas communism is opposed to democracy. Perki...

Consuming Passions

剧情: At his new job at Butterworth Chocolates, Mr. Farris accidentally knocks several workers into a mixing vat, the contents of which are then sent to market. When ...


剧情: 剧情简介年轻英俊的古董商艾伦巧遇气质出众的异国女子凯伦,立刻就被她的热情深深吸引。在几乎亲热的接触后,艾伦决定与凯伦共度一生。然而,凯伦却坚持不肯在教堂行婚礼。而且在他们居住的古宅里,也开始发生一连串不可思议的怪事,使凯伦濒于崩溃边缘。而艾伦开始发现,在这一切的背后,隐藏著一个天大的秘密...。

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