电影网>明星资料馆>Keith Mills



In the Land of Milk and Money

剧情: Idyllic Suburbia. Mom \'n\' Apple Pie. Or not. This outrageous comedy turns suburban America on its head. Mad cow disease, Corporate Greed, Mob Mentality, the C...



剧情: 生活在现代的大都市里,塔特是一个年轻有为的律师,他有令人羡慕的工作,豪华的轿车,美丽的未婚妻,人生的一切光明似乎都已经在他的眼前,可是偏偏他有一个从小一起长大的好朋友李耶堤,一个待业中的临时演员,他的一切正好与塔特相反,不仅没有固定的收入,每天更是有一餐没一餐,可是基于他们长久以来的友谊,塔特坚持选他作伴郎。Lawye...


Ice Cream Man

剧情: Poor Gregory! After being released from the Wishing Well Sanatorium, all he wants to do is make the children happy. So Gregory reopens the old ice cream factory...


Fletch Lives

剧情: Fletch is a reporter for a Los Angeles newspaper, but he acts more like a detective. When an obscure relative leaves him a Louisiana mansion in his will, Fletch...


Kung Fu: The Movie

剧情: In his travels, Caine meets up with an old man who has several surprises for him. The first being the destruction of the Shaolin order, the second being that th...

"L.A. Law"

剧情: 美国 1986-10-03  1986|英国 1987-09-04  1987|瑞典 1987-09-23  1987advertisement Michael Kuzak: That\'s because I\...


A Bunny's Tale

剧情: This is Gloria Steinems personal story of her Playboy Club experience in 1963. Gloria (Kirstie Alley) is talked into going under cover to get a story. Margie (D...


剧情: 剧情简介以误会和猜疑为主题的青春浪漫喜剧,剧情在悬疑中不乏娱笑效果。托马斯.豪威尔饰演一名高中生,某日收到一封署名“神秘的仰慕者\"写来的情书,他和同学都猜测是校花凯利.普雷斯顿所写,实际却是暗恋他的另一个女生罗莉克林。另一方面,这封情书无意中掉落,被男孩的母亲捡去,她一口咬定是丈夫的情妇所写,因此也闹出连串的纠纷。导...

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