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Rupan sansei: Dead or Alive

剧情: Lupin and his friends travel to the country of Zufu (which resembles Iraq or Iran) and the objective is a treasure located on Drifting Island, which is guarded ...

Monarch of the Moon

剧情: America calls on its greatest superhero, The Yellow Jacket, to defeat Japan\'s deadliest super agent, The Dragonfly, whose organization, Axis, has made an unhol...



剧情: High school student Kei Kurono meets up with childhood friend Kato Masaru one day by chance encounter. As the two are in the subway chatting, Kato notices a hom...

"Chrono Crusade"

剧情: The Roaring 20\'s a time of prosperity. Jazz is king, the Mob rules the streets, and Demons are running a mock. Enter Sister Rosette Christopher, of the Order o...

"Chôjûshin Gravion Zwei"

剧情: 日本 2004-01-08  2004


剧情: 在那个遥远的日子,我们许下了无法实现的约定…  第二次世界大战以后,日本被分为南北两个地域来统治。在尤尼恩同志下的北海道被建立在一个迷一样‘巨塔’里,暗中进行某种计划。而在美军所占领的日本本州,还没有人知道那座塔的真实目的。    从海峡中间望去,可以更加清楚地看见那里的‘巨塔’。对‘巨塔’一直抱有...


剧情: 人没有牺牲的话就什么都得不到,为了得到什么东西,就必须付出同等的代价,这就是炼金术的‘等价交换’原则!那时我们坚信那就是世界的真实!” 《钢之炼金术师》是一部注定要成为经典的著作,所谓的“等价交换”原则表面上平平无奇,实际上却有着极其深刻的思想意义。作者荒川弘其实是先想出“要得到某些东西就要付出某些东西”这样的主题才...

Lady Death

剧情: 美国 2004-10-05  2004



剧情: 奇诺(前天爱 配音)是个周游列国的旅行者,她的伙伴叫“艾鲁梅斯”,是一辆会说话的摩托车。奇诺和艾鲁梅斯到各个国家旅行,每次都只在该国家待上三天,了解该国的风土人情,三天之后她便离开前往另一个地方。奇诺原本是“大人之国”一个名字不详的少女,该国规定小孩12岁要接受手术成为“大人”。因为受到旅行者奇诺的影响,她不想...

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