电影网>明星资料馆>George Plimpton




剧情: 作为着名小说《冷血》的作者,杜鲁门·卡波特(托比·琼斯)那充满传奇的一生同样广受世人的关注。四十七年前的11月15日,美国堪萨斯州的一座小镇里发生了一起惊人的血案,一家四口全被凶手被残忍杀害。该案件瞬间震惊了整个美国,举国上下都在关注这起血案的侦破。有着“报告文学之父”之称的作家杜鲁门·卡波特受《纽约客》杂志之...

Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film

剧情: 德国 2007-02-11  2007|美国 2006-09-01  2006


As Smart As They Are: The Author Project

剧情: "As Smart As They Are" traces the collaboration between One Ring Zero, the Brooklyn house-band for McSweeney\'s Publishing, and an ensemble cast of awar...


Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson

剧情: 芬兰 2005-08-30  2005|加拿大 2004-09-16  2004|美国 2004-09-04  2004


Breakfast with Hunter

剧情: 丹麦 2003-11-11  2003|加拿大 2003-09-27  2003|美国 2003-06-21  2003


Bullet in the Brain

剧情: Outspokenly critical writing teachers allows his criticsim to extend to his everyday life and soon learns why that is not a good idea. While the titular "Bu...

"A Nero Wolfe Mystery"

剧情: 挪威 2003-09-12  2003|美国 2001-04-22  2001Archie: Nero Wolfe gets what Nero Wolfe wants, or he throws a tantrum and I get fired. ...

Scene Smoking: Cigarettes, Cinema & the Myth of Cool

剧情: Ted Danson: Smoking is a great prop. It\'s a great prop in life. Sean Penn: Make no mistake; as it relates to a conversation on film, this is strictly a cens...


剧情:   12世纪的法国,贵族骑士康德·瑟伯特(让·雷诺)和他的仆人安德鲁(克里斯汀·克拉维尔)吃了糊涂巫师(马尔克姆·迈克杜威尔)的一剂“时光穿梭魔力药水”,结果一觉醒来后,发现自己竟然已身在21世纪的美国芝加哥。   正当莫名其妙的康德和傻乎乎的安德鲁被这个陌生喧闹的城市搞得晕头转向、不知所措的时候,他们两个却误打...

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