电影网>明星资料馆>Tony Robinson



The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure

剧情: 美国 2007-10-23advertisement Henry \'Indiana\' Jones, Jr.: [narrating] I was born July first, 1899. I don\'t remember a whole lot about it, but I guess my paren...


Time Team: The Big Royal Dig

剧情: 英国 2006-08-28  2006

The Ultimate Sitcom

剧情: 英国 2006-01-02  2006


剧情:   Hogfather的故事发生在被称为Discworld的异世界里,那里的居民并不像我们一样居住在一个熔化的铁球上面几千英里的地方(笑),而是生活在由四头巨象驼着的圆盘上,巨象们则是站在一只星球般庞大的宇宙海龟背上。Hogswatchnight是Discworld里最重要的一个节日,每年12月32日的晚上,身穿红色长...


Titanic Adventure

剧情: Tony Robinson accompanies James Cameron, the Oscar-winning writer, director and producer of the blockbuster film Titanic, on a poignant farewell to the most spe...

The Real Da Vinci Code

剧情: 丹麦 2005-05-10  2005|加拿大 2005-03-23  2005|英国 2005-02-03  2005

The Funny Blokes of British Comedy

剧情: A tribute to the leading men of British television situation comedies, including: John Cleese, Andrew Sachs, Rowan Atkinson, Tony Robinson, Lenny Henry, Frank T...

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