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"Idoru Tenshi Youkoso Youko"

剧情: 日本 2000-05-26  2000


Shinpi no sekai Eru Hazâdo

剧情: Makoto is a high school student who one day found himself sent to a strange, magical world called El Hazard. He is then forced to impersonate a missing princess...


剧情:   在一个大雨滂沱的日子里,武术家早已女玄马带着儿子乱马来到了同门天道早云的道场,然而擅自被父亲指婚给乱马的天道茜却惊奇的发现,乱马是个有着奇异体质的男孩。原来,乱马和父亲在去中国青海省咒泉乡的一次修行中,不幸掉进了女溺泉,落得个遇冷水变成女孩遇热水变男孩的怪异体质,后知道是他父亲不懂中文去错地方汗....。然而,有着...



剧情: When Ryunosuke\'s pet cat is fatally injured, his slightly mad father saves the feline by putting its brain into a cute and cuddly robot school girl\'s body. Me...


Sukeban Deka: Tanjô-hen

剧情: There are some places a cop can never go, like high school. Blackmailed with the fate of her mother on death row, Saki Asamiya trades in her prison blues for a ...

Sukeban Deka: Gyakushû-hen

剧情: 日本 1991-07-21  1991


剧情:   又是一个平静的日子,内裤爱好者八宝斋(永井一郎 饰)四面出击,惹得乱马(山口勝平 饰)、小茜、良牙(山寺宏一 饰)、珊璞(佐久間レイ 饰)等人纷纷加入进来,在镇上惹出巨大的骚动。正当众人闹得不可开交之时,一头裹挟着黑色杀气的大象突然袭来。它和美丽的主人向八宝斋发起攻击。与此同时,天空阴云密布,一艘巨船出现在空中。他...


剧情:   某个夏日祭典的夜晚,四处追逐漂亮姑娘的诸星当被来自外星女王露比加劫持。露比加的星球规定她一满18岁就要结婚继承王位,她对那些英俊优秀的应征者完全没有兴趣,却独独喜欢卖豆腐的善良男孩里奥。露比加希望借助阿当那超级无赖的力量找到神殿星隐藏的秘宝迷恋药水,以赢得心爱之人的心。拉姆、弁天、阿雪千方百计终于找到阿当,并带他回...


Project A-Ko Versus Battle 2: Blue Side

剧情: Gail: This is the second time we\'ve met. B-ko: It\'s you! Gail: Only two women have ever felt my touch. You\'re the only one to survive. [Maruten rece...

Project A-Ko Versus Battle 1: Grey Side

剧情: A-ko: What sort of deal do you mean? If it\'s money you want, I\'m broke. Maruten: I don\'t need money. A-ko: Then what? Oh, I get it! You want my body! T...

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