电影网>明星资料馆>Victoria Show



The Kissing Place

剧情: Every night the boy dreams he is someone else. Someone in danger. A crazy woman is after him. A woman who cannot have a son of her own. A story about a kidnappe...

Getting Married in Buffalo Jump

剧情: Sophie Ware is a musician who returns to run the family farm after her father\'s death. She struggles with the operation and is surprised by an offer of assista...

Destiny to Order

剧情: A writer starts running into the characters he\'s created in real life. Alberta is his fantasy woman, who starts out as a sexy rock singer. However, when the ba...

Love and Hate: The Story of Colin and Joanne Thatcher

剧情: Narcissistic Saskatchewan Tory politician Colin Thatcher (Welsh) is engaged in a bitter divorce from his wife Jo-Ann (Nelligan). When a series of court rulings ...



剧情: 比尔是航管局的工程师,由于一架波音747客机神秘失事罹难,为调查失事原因,□意外结识了露易丝,原来她是来自未来世界的人,可自由穿梭于时光隧道,为找回一枝失落的时空枪而返回地球,比尔欲追随露易丝返回第三世界,由于他的入侵,造成时空的大混乱,引发整个未来世界即将崩溃···。An investigator seeking t...



剧情: 剧情简介史提夫热衷于工作却冷落了妻子杰姬,杰姬为此深感不满并提出离婚,从此,这对中年男女各自开展他们的爱情新生活,但如何开始呢?毕竟他们已有二十多年没有和别的异性约会啦!擅长描绘都市中年人爱情心态的艾伦.阿尔达,继大受好评的《四季》与《甜蜜的自由》后再次自导自演一部刻画中年离婚夫妇尝试第二春的浪漫喜剧,并与常葆青春的女...

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