电影网>明星资料馆>Shadia Simmons



"Life with Derek"

剧情: A teenage girl who\'s mother is re-married and she, her sister and her mother move into their stepfather\'s house and she moves into a new school to fit in with...


"Strange Days at Blake Holsey High"

剧情: 意大利 2004-10-01  2004|挪威 2003-10-27  2003|美国 2002-10-03  2002Lucas Randall: So how do we know which one is Josie? ...

"Ace Lightning"

剧情: Combining live-action and CGI animation, this groundbreaking action/comedy follows the adventures of thirteen-year-old Mark Hollander (Played by British actor T...

Too Young to Be a Dad

剧情: 英国 2006-05-12  2006|瑞典 2005-09-21  2005|美国 2002-06-10  2002


Zenon: The Zequel

剧情: 15-year-old Zenon Kar\'s space station home is getting torn apart by the U.S. military. She\'s on duty in A.P. when she comes in contact with Aliens. She must c...


"The Zack Files"

剧情:   美国 2000-10-21  2000Zack Greenburg: Why do I always have to be the one with a conscience? Cam Dunleavey: You can leave this to a man of visi...


剧情:   由葛伦海德丽、汤姆艾温以及媚德琳兹玛共同演出,是一部充满希望与鼓舞的温馨好戏。      《乐韵情深》描述威一位平凡农夫梦想指挥交响乐团的激励故事,而演出这位平凡农夫的就是《甜蜜芳心》影集里爱老婆疼小孩的顾家新好男人,本片当然要借重汤姆新好男人的形象罗!只不过他这位新好男人有一个指挥交响乐团演奏...


剧情: 对于13岁的露西和她的妈妈霍莉而言,命运之神开了一个小小的玩笑:一天一个奇怪的计算机小故障把霍莉变成露西的同班同学!   一部相当富有童趣的温情之作,虽然不是什么热门影片,也没有当红明星出演,却让人印象深刻。 特别是Sumela Kay 的表现光芒四射,比很多风头正劲的偶像新人更抢眼;可惜...


剧情:   父爱母爱有时可以轰轰烈烈,但更多的是“润物无声\",你可能没有感觉,但它一定存在。      格洛瓦家原来只有女儿加米一个孩子,妈妈南希经营着镇上的小报,父亲吉姆为了晋升在不断学习,他一直是个求上进的好学生。在学校,加米有两个好朋友朱和布莱德,明年她将要按照父母的意愿去乔治·华盛顿科学学校,作为...

The Color of Friendship

剧情: Mahree Bok lives on a farm in South Africa. Her father is a policeman who cannot hide his joy when activist Steve Biko is caught by the South African authoritie...

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