剧情: 美国西部某个小镇,警长富兰克林·亨特(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)夜晚射伤了一名可疑的流浪汉,随后他请来小镇医生萨曼莎(莉莉·西蒙斯 Lili Simmons 饰)为嫌疑人治疗。夜深人静,一名马夫遭到神秘入侵者残忍杀害,而嫌疑人和萨曼莎也消失无踪。富兰克林深感事态严重,他召集萨曼莎的丈夫亚瑟·欧·德怀...
剧情: In the streets of East Los Angeles, Manny is a formidable drug dealer. Impressed by his extravagant lifestyle and prowess, his young son Kilo yearns to follow i...
剧情: Jimmy, a young boy trying to gain acceptance from his peers, is horrified when he sees a circus trainer abusing a bear cub. One of the circus employees tells Ji...