电影网>明星资料馆>Michael Veitch




剧情: 一家人,一整年,没有性。那么还能干什么?购物,唱歌,运动,存储东西,圣诞老人,炒股票,甚至还有精神上的追求。本片就这样记录了这一家人12个月极为诡异的生活方式。澳大利亚 2009-02-19  2009 (Adelaide Film Festival)|法国 2009-05-15...


Ten Feet Tall

剧情: Sophie has died tragically. Her husband and her father go through unfamiliar emotions and find it hard to cope as stereotypical Australian men. They must decide...

The Adventures of Roman Pilgrim

剧情: An allegorical story of boy man Roman, his blue heeler dog Blue and their adventures on the Australian Outback road from Hope Town to Depression City in search ...


剧情:   一部喜剧影片,关于一个普通人Joe Blow ,他看到电影明星能够得到金钱和美女,便心想“为何不是我?”他是一个过分单纯的家伙,有着天真的眼光,就像是第一次看东西似的。他想成为电影明星,名望对他来说就像游乐场里的秋千?他只是想有个机会去实现。他来到大城市,决心去改变他的未来,并愿意为此付出一切…...


"The Einstein Factor"

剧情: 澳大利亚 2004-02-08  2004

"McLeod's Daughters"

剧情: After the death of his wife and son during childbirth, Claire\'s father, Jack McLeod, married city girl Ruth Silverman. Tess was the product of this tempestuous...


Take Away

剧情: Tony Stilano and Trev Spackneys both own, live over and work in adjoining take-away fish shops in Melbourne. Although they have fallen into a habitual rivalry b...

"Comedy Inc."

剧情: 澳大利亚 2003-02-19  2003


The Real Thing

剧情: Pacino, Connery, De Nero, Schwarzenegger - together on film - for the first time... Well, almost... Ralph Eaton\'s got a few personal problems. He\'s desperatel...

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